Monday, March 11, 2013

7: Gratitude

 Up until now this blog has been a bit negative. I don't want it to be that way but I'm using this forum to get from feeling complete yuck to feeling joy again.

So ya'll have to suffer a bit with me and then, hopefully, at the end or maybe the middle we'll get to enjoy the mental-state equivalent of an ice cream sundae.

There is one life story that I have running in my head and it's the tragedy...the messed up relationships I had before I was married, the messy relationship I have with my husband, how hard motherhood is, how loosing a job and a house sucks, how moving back home has felt like being dragged back by the undertow of my history. (Moving back home is just bizarre. I'm sure there's a future blog post there.)

But I also have another story. This one starts with being born into a really wonderful family. My parents and my brother (my only sibling) are supportive, encouraging and funny. I can't say I never wanted for anything but I certainly never needed anything. I got a decent education (could have been better if I had only applied myself...or so I was told time and time again). I've always had friends (not a ton but always enough). I have been a good employee and a great times. I fulfilled a life dream and traveled to Ireland and France. And my greatest achievement by far are birthing two beautiful, healthy little boys. And that's just the highlight reel.

I think I need to replay the good skits more often and edit out out the blooper reel.

Do you have negative thoughts on your mind often? How do you tell them to shut it?

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